Summit Industry 4.0 Austria

We are incredibly pleased that we were able to play a leading role in a top event about digitalisation and technology and to contribute our full-service technical expertise. The annual event of the Platform Industry 4.0 Austria took place virtually at the end of 2020 under the motto digital:regional. With top-class participants and guests, who shared their know-how partly live in the studio at the Graz University of Technology and partly live from all over the world.
The programme included 4.0 best practice examples from Joanneum Research Robotics, HAGE3D and EIT Manufacturing, digitisation strategies and specific cases from the partner country Australia, exciting keynotes on the topics of AI & ethics and IoT security, as well as interactive parallel sessions with a digital focus and discussions. The entire technical implementation, streaming, studio technology etc. came from us and everything worked smoothly.