Silhouette Digital Showroom

ClientSilhouette International Schmied AG
ServiceFull Service
LocationDigital Showroom

To offer a unique insight into the world of Silhouette, we were allowed to create a digital showroom for our client, the international premium eyewear manufacturer Silhouette International. In this project, brandmood's overall performance was also impressive. In 48 working days, we set up five online rooms with individual exhibition stand elements and integrated a total of 32 videos and 139 product shots in a highly appealing way. Thanks to our concentrated technical know-how, we succeeded in providing all participants with an emotional digital trade fair experience: with a live stream to the product presentations and chat rooms for individual sales talks, including a trade fair tour by 18 sales representatives. The guest list included 2,617 Silhouette customers, who were invited by personal mailing, as well as potential new customers, press guests and, of course, the company's employees. Unanimous conclusion: it was extremely worthwhile to see!


Defender Parking Only

MMM Club


Click & Drag