20 years AGGM

ClientAGGM Austria Gas Grid Management AG
ServiceFull Service
LocationMAK & Salonplafond, Vienna

On June 20, 2023, AGGM, Austrian Gas Grid Management, celebrated its 20th anniversary with a spectacular ceremony. As a full-service event firm, we are proud to have organised and executed our client's anniversary celebration in the new CI rebranding (by I-Kiu).

AGGM celebrated this historic occasion with partners, colleagues, and representatives from politics and the energy business in the beautiful surroundings of the MAK (Museum of Applied Arts) and the Salonplafond in Vienna.

Bernhard Painz and Michael Woltran, two board members, commenced the celebration with an amusing speech.

They began by reflecting on the greatest obstacles of the first twenty years, and then turned their attention to the future. In doing so, they emphasised the impending energy upheaval, especially the total transition to renewable and climate-neutral energy sources. In addition, Mrs. Leonore Gewessler (Federal Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology) provided motivational words in the form of a greeting letter for collaboration on energy system transformation.

In his joyous and laudatory words, AGGM Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Stefan Wagenhofer, paid respect to the company. His acknowledgement encouraged AGGM to continue on its consistent path.

Following the keynote speech, futurologist Barbara Busse ventured a look into the coming years. As an experienced keynote speaker and expert in trend foresight, innovation and product development, she presented exciting insights and predicted megatrends and progress to 2030 and beyond. 

Another highlight of the evening was the appearance of Vince Ebert, who presented excerpts from his book "Lichtblick statt Blackout". He made the gathering more enjoyable by providing engaging anecdotes and fascinating facts. 

The AGGM 20th anniversary event was not only a time to celebrate, but also to demonstrate the company's forward-thinking devotion and inventive strength. AGGM's vision and objectives were clearly reflected in the successful CI rebranding. We are honoured to have collaborated with AGGM to create this historic event. We are proud to have been a part of AGGM's history and to have celebrated the 20-year milestone as well as AGGM's key position in the energy industry.

Furthermore, we think it's fantastic that AGGM has made it a priority to organise the event as a green event, thereby making a significant contribution to the environment.

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